#Promo #RomanceforRaices: A Soldier’s Christmas Wish by Vivien Arend /Narrated by Tatiana Sokolov

#Promo #RomanceforRaices: A Soldier’s Christmas Wish by Vivien Arend /Narrated by Tatiana Sokolov


So November’s Romance for Raices spotlight is A Soldier’s Christmas Wish by Vivian Arend. It is the perfect time of year to pick up a Christmas story and with it being Veteran’s Day it is double perfection. Tatiana Sokolov delivers on the narration and Vivian give you a couple worth rooting for! So go pick it up today!

Posted November 11, 2019 by thegb in RomanceForRaices / 0 Comments
#30DaysofThanks Day 9: #SultryListeners Winner Teri Schnaubelt

#30DaysofThanks Day 9: #SultryListeners Winner Teri Schnaubelt


Oh y’all—Day 9 is Teri Schnaubelt (which if I am honest I misspell her name a ton) and she is one of my favorite people (and narrator) . She is so freaking talented and sweet and kind. Honestly I love her just as much as a person as I do her narration! So I am going to highlight my top picks for her romance series (pictures will be 1rst in series) but y’all check out her other stuff cause it is FANTASTIC!

Posted November 10, 2019 by thegb in #30DaysOfThanks / 0 Comments
#30DaysofThanks Day 8 #SultryListeners Winner L.B. Dunbar

#30DaysofThanks Day 8 #SultryListeners Winner L.B. Dunbar


Alright Day 8 (and a big theme this month) is #SultryListeners Winners—we will start with L.B. Dunbar. Not even going to lie that #SeasonedRomance was a championed category because I want more Seasoned Romance. I feel bad that I did not introduce myself to her at Book Bonanza but I was really new to her work. I am no longer new to her work and I appreciate her leading ladies. The men are hot, don’t get me wrong, but I love that she writes well round women who have a whole slew of things going on. They aren’t all the same–some have kids, some have high stress jobs, some are divorced, ect. They really are each unique! Since we are an audiobook blog I am going to highlight those—BUT I really hope she brings more to audiobook in the future ? ? Just putting it out to the universe!!!

Posted November 10, 2019 by thegb in #30DaysOfThanks / 0 Comments
#30DaysOfThanks Day 7: Vivian Arend

#30DaysOfThanks Day 7: Vivian Arend


Day 7 I have to thank Vivian Arend who supported Romance for the Raices by bidding on the object (and winning) that I put up there. I had not actually ever listened (or read) her before but I have since completed 2 books by her that I adored (and no surprise they were narrated by Tatiana Sokolov) who NAILED IT! (that was on purpose since she gives away her own alias!) Y’all will get to know her quite a bit over the next year so let me give you a link to all her audiobooks cause we all know that is my jam and y’alls to if you are reading me LOL

Posted November 10, 2019 by thegb in #30DaysOfThanks / 0 Comments